Mrs. Correa
Hudson smiling as only a newborn can.

Mrs. Tiffany Correa has just had her second child, on April 4th, and a congratulations is in order!
Mrs. Correa has awaited the coming of her second child, Hudson Correa Goldsman, and prepared for Hudson’s arrival by discussing one of the most pressing questions: what to name the baby.
Many parents come up with names for their children in different ways, such as how Mrs. Correa’s naming process had a very important tie to her family. “When I was having our daughter, Hudson was one of the options until we settled on Audrey. We always liked the name Hudson so we were lucky that it could be either a boy’s or girl’s name. Correa is his middle name to honor my family. He is the only boy born on my side of the family, so I wanted to honor my father.”
Every parent knows the struggle of having to get up in the middle of the night, and check up on their newborn, because of their constant crying. Thankfully, Mrs. Correa has her husband to help her, and Hudson is very quiet for a newborn. “My husband and I take turns monitoring the baby. He does the early shift until 3AM and then I will take over. So far, Hudson has been a good baby and only waking up two times: once at around 1:00 and again at 3:30.”
Mrs. Correa was also asked about if she would parent her second child in a different way than her first, which she gave an amazing answer for. “I sense that this time, I’ll approach parenting with much more confidence in my decisions and upbringing strategies. Being a new parent can feel like navigating uncharted territory, filled with fears of making mistakes. The pressure we place on ourselves to be flawless can become overwhelming at times.”
I think that we can all agree that Mrs. Correa is a great mother to her daughter and will continue to be a great mother to her newborn son, Hudson.
Two of the best things that were learned about Mrs. Correa through this interview, was the love she has for her children, and how she realizes that being a first-time parent can be very difficult and challenging; that every parent makes mistakes, it’s just how you learn from them.