The RD Seal
River Dell’s parents attended back-to-school night last Tuesday, September 24th from 7pm to 9pm.
To give the parents plenty of notice, the date was marked on the district Calander. Additionally, an email was sent two days before by Mr. Pepe, Principle and a former River Dell student, with information about Back-To-School-Night. “I urge you to attend and walk in your student’s footsteps. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet our outstanding staff and explore all RDHS has to offer,” read the letter.
Back to school night is a night that is key for teachers to get to know students’ parents, and let parents know exactly what their goals are for students.
Chemistry teacher Mrs. Ceppaglia believes that back to school night is beneficial for teachers and parents, “You get a sense of students by meeting their parents and you get a sense of the community that they are a part of.”
Mrs.Ceppaglia shares that she has no business in parents’ lives and why they miss back to school night. She mentions there may be something else going on in parents’ lives or they may feel sufficiently informed about their child’s teachers.
Mrs. Lauterhahn, a teacher and parent of a junior at River Dell, said, “I really don’t think its harmful to miss back to school night, especially if your parents can just follow up with the teachers later on, maybe through email.”
Lauterhahn continued, “It’s very difficult today with different schedules, and work schedules, and if you have younger children.”
Sophomore Abigail Heinzs’ mom, Tara Reilly, who is also a teacher, said “I think it’s fun, I like it. I think it’s informative, I like to have a face to who my daughter teachers are.”
A parent of triplets at River Dell, Christine Grobarcik, admitted, “I have mixed feelings about going to back to school night. I’m very grateful my children are good students, and they manage their school responsibilities themselves, so I don’t feel back to school night is a necessity for me. I can always reach out to a teacher directly, if needed.”
Sophomore Iris Chang, a sophomore, offered, “Personally my parents skipped back to school night…I don’t really mind but I do know there are kids who care really deeply.” She continued saying her parents, “don’t really see the point,” as she is already a sophomore in high school.
Abigail Heinze, also a sophomore at River Dell, agreed that back to school night is important for students and parents alike. “It helps our parents know who we are talking about.” She also mentions if a student ever has a problem with a teacher, the parent can put a face to the name.
The RD administration had no complaints regarding Back-to-School night and when Principal Brian Pepe was asked how back to school night went, he said there were, “a lot of positive comments from parents.” He emphasized that students have the greatest benefit from back-to-school night. “It also makes it comfortable for the students knowing that their parents me their teachers and they know the expectations.”
He admitted that he would like to improve the number of parents that attended, however he was also very understanding of why some parents may not attend. “I think every parent is busy, especially with their own home and their own work activities. I think it’s kind of a little bit of burden to come to back to school night.”