Courtesy of nyskiblog.com
Belleayre Mountain
On Wednesday, November 8th during lunch, one and two Mrs. Neary and Mrs. Lenihan held the first ski club meeting to announce this season’s schedule which consists of five daytrips to Belleayre Mountain in Shandaken NY, with the first one taking place on Sunday, January 7th.
All day trips will run on Sundays, leaving from River Dell at 6:30 AM and returning at approximately 6 PM.
The cost of each trip is $95, this includes a lift ticket and the cost of the bus. Although Belleayre is not a crowded mountain, they will need at least forty participants with a maximum of fifty for each trip for it to run.
Students who wish to take part in the club must reserve a seat on the bus and sign a permission slip. Those interested, who have never snowboarded or skied, are required to take a mandatory lesson to avoid the possibility of injury.
Noah Cole, a River Dell sophomore, explains that he is excited for the new ski club, but is also upset about no Vermont/New Hampshire trip this year. He says, “The big trip was even more fun than the day trips, although I understand the reasoning behind this change, I hope that it will return next year.”
Even though some students are bummed about the big trip of the season being canceled, they still hope to make it a great skiing and snowboarding season at Belleayre.