Courtesy of nyskiblog.com
Belleayre Mountain
Due to the harsh weather conditions on January 7th the kickoff trip for the 2024 ski club season has been postponed.
Students received an email from one of the supervisors of the club, Mrs. Neary, late at midday on the 6th. The email explained that “resulting to the hazardous driving conditions tomorrow, we have been instructed to postpone tomorrow’s trip to Belleayre mountain.”
Considering that both towns haven’t had snow in two years, many students were excited for snow to finally be falling. Their excitement soon ended when rain was added on the forecast turning the snow into slush early Sunday morning, the day the ski trip was originally planned.
Mrs. Neary explains that the ski club is currently trying to reschedule the trip for March 10th.
Many students are excited to get on the slopes to finally kick off the season, and potentially hit Belleayre mountain for two runs in a row even on a weekday.
Student Evan Choflet mused, “I was really bummed to find out that we had to cancel the first trip because I just want to get on the slopes, but I guess it was for a good cost considering we get to have two more trips in the same week”.
Students are waiting to hear back from Mrs. Neary and prepare to rock the slopes on January 25th!