On January 16th and 17th all sophomores took their permit examination test in the cafeteria. Prior to the test, the 10th graders took Drivers Education in during the 2nd marking period to prepare for this test.
“In Drivers Ed I was taught about the Graduated Learners Permit, road signs, distracted driving, drug and alcohol abuse, and what to do in certain scenarios when driving,” sophomore Alexa Daibes explained.
The test was made up of fifty questions that were randomized. “There is a possibility of over 200 questions and no student will have the same test as another student,” Mr. Garibiell said.
The questions that were presented on the test varied for every student and no child is guaranteed to see a certain question. “For me, the majority was about signs and alcohol rules and regulations,” sophomore Genesis Linarez stated.
When asked about how he prepared 10th grader Michael DeGroat said, “I studied mostly by taking the FNL practice test, but I also studied by looking at the notes that we took over the period of the class.” Each student was instructed to take the FNL practice test but also was provided with notes and practice quizzes during the duration of the marking period.
During the test students are allowed to skip questions they do not know, and a bar is located at the bottom of the test that shows them how many they got wrong, right, skipped and how many they have left.
“The bar at the bottom of the test helped me stay focused and on track and also gave me a calm sense of mind because I was able to see how many I had left and how many I had right,” Daibes states.
Now that the test is completed, all students that passed will enroll in a 6-hour driving course that will take place once they are 16-years old. They will be placed behind the wheel with an instructor where they will learn to drive.
The instructor will have a brake and gas pedal on the passenger side floor that will ensure their safety and will be used in case of emergencies or guidance during their driving course.
For those that are already 16 years old now and have passed can start their driving hours, “My next step in the driving process is to make sure I get enrolled in a driving school and complete my 6 hours of instructional driving, then I can move on to the next step,” Micheal DeGroat stated.
Now that everyone completed and took the tests, the school have invited a police officer to come and talk to all classes.
When asked, Garibiell said “Mr. Looram and I have the police department come into the class to discuss various situations they see with young drivers. We will also use google maps to discuss what risk factors they see at various intersections throughout the area,”
“The sophomore class did a great job on the motor vehicle Permit Test. Even with computer and technical issues the students were patient, and it turned out to be successful” Mr. Garibiell said.