On Wednesday, November 8th, River Dell’s Italian teachers, Ms. Uzzi, Mr. Loria, and members of the Italian Honor Society went to an Italian Radio Station at ICN Radio station in Norwood, New Jersey. The trip consisted of a radio station tour and a radio station interview.
Students went live on air with people from Italy and got interviewed by an Italian radio station host. The students were asked questions and were able to talk to people in Italy in Italian.
Ms. Uzzi, one of the RD Italian teachers, said “They broadcast to Italy 24/7. The owner and producer invited us to visit, and we had the Italian honor society and Italian IIII speak. It was really interesting and exciting to see the students actually talking to different people in Italy”.
The Italian Honor society consists of many students including the Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. This is Signora Uzzi’s 2nd year running the club, and it’s also the 2nd year of the club’s existence. “To have that opportunity is so special to me, I’m very proud of the club and incredibly thankful to ICN for giving us this opportunity. It was a very exciting experience, and we were invited to go again every month, so we’re planning on getting that going.”
When asked if the students enjoyed the trip, Ms. Uzzi, an Italian teacher and person on the trip said, “Yeah, they were really shocked that they were broadcasted live and that their parents could here them, so they were really excited about that”.
Ms. Uzzi shared what some of the interview consisted of, “Somebody they were interviewing in Sicily; she and the owner were asking them questions about why they chose to take Italian, If they had family here, or if they grew up speaking Italian. We are very excited to keep going and connecting to people in Italia!”
The trip gave students the opportunity to have real life conversations with actual people from Italy, instead of just talking to each other in Italian. Overall, the students and the teachers enjoyed the trip and enjoyed the experience of being able to talk to different people in Italian than what they are used to.
After the trip, junior Brenden Micili beamed, “It was a cool experience to actually talk to people from Italy.”